Home Improvements Ideas for you and your Cute Furry Friend

Today's Ideabooks

Friday, January 26, 2007

Flea Control for Pet and Home Owners

Flea control

Whoever said getting rid of fleas is easy needs to re-think again. In my experience, flea control can be quite challenging when confronted with flea infestation, flea bites, or fleas on pets.

Flea control is and can be effected by:

* climate changes

* where you live

* and a host of other reasons

Fact is, fleas never discriminate. They feel equally as comfortable on the most well groomed show dog or... on any stray animal. Their goal is clear... to simply feed and breed!

This is where your flea control skills will be tested to the max. There are so many methods of getting rid of fleas... Which Flea Control method(s) to use?

You can go either way by using either natural flea killers or by opting for a more aggressive alternative... chemical solutions. Both of these flea control methods have pro's and cons. It's really a case of discovering what's right for you, your house or your beloved pet.

I definitely recommend booking an appointment with your local vet. There, you'll be able to get specific information geared towards your individual needs.

You can of course try your own hand at flea control and save quite a bit of money on professional services. The choice is always yours.

My Personal Flea Control Tip

So, your beloved pet has fleas! First course of action... Don't panic, you're not alone with this problem. And you certainly won't find yourself short of anti-flea solutions.

Right now, you're probably really worried, almost to the point of frustration at the very sight of your pet itching like crazy as fleas settle down to a healthy meal of fresh, warm blood.

What to do?

Where do I go?

And which product is the best for darling pet?

I've faced the very same questions and after trying umpteen different products as a pet owner, the one that really stood out from the rest (in terms of results), was Advantage Flea Control.

Enough has been said, written and publicized about Advantage Flea Control without me having to blow the trumpet also.

In short, when faced with the challenge of controlling fleas on your pet, I highly recommend you give Advantage a try.

It will kill fleas on adult pets as well as puppies and kittens... however; do refer to the instructions on the packaging and if in doubt, refer to your local vet for more specific advice.

I hope you enjoy my website. In the near future, I will add a forum where we can all share our flea control tips. This way we'll help each other to keep happier, healthier pets...

After all, there's nothing better than happy pets! Wouldn't you agree?

About the author: Stewart Alexander is the owner and Webmaster of "Flea Control Master"... a brand new resource directory site, built to aid and assist pet and home owners in their search for flea control information, products and services.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Personal Pet Check-Ups

For all pet owners, regular monitoring and "examinations" of your pet will give you a better idea of the animal's overall health and prove as good "quality" time for both you and your pet. Also, this may help you catch a problem in the early phases and certainly before it becomes life threatening.

The list of things you can do during this time could be long but below we've taken the time to list a few of the most basic and easy to read signs of being "off color". In addition to the usual, these steps may help you in deciding your pet's actual state of health.


1)Build up in the tooth area. Also bad breath- which may suggest gingivitis or other tooth/gum problems.

2)Clean ears. Is there wax build up, ticks, mites or other parasites inside? Is a bad odor present?

3)Are the eyes discolored or irritated? Is extensive matter present?

4)A 'greasy" coat? Is the skin grey white or red and irritated? Do you find evidence of fleas or other parasites? Is the smell of the animals coat on your hands, after checking it with your fingers, fishy, rank or offensive?

A doggy odor, while common, is still a sign of a low level of health. If your answers to many of the above areas are "YES", then you should plan some type of action to discontinue this cycle of bad health. First and foremost, diet is the best place to start. Consult with your vet and/or check into possible alternative therapies. In the end, your pet's overall health is up to you, so these early warning signs should not be overlooked.

A clean bill of health is the most valuable gift you can present to your pets- next to your love and attention.

Article written and reprinted with permission of: http://www.pedigreedpups.com/ Purebred Dogs, Puppies and Dog Breeders - "Your New Best Friend" Copyright 2005. All rights reserved.

About the author: http://www.pedigreedpups.com is a website offering the best purebred dog breed information, online resources and high-quality dog content for all dog owners, dog lovers and those considering dog ownership. Debbie is the owner of pedigreedpups.com, a dog lover, owner and dog breeder of many years.